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Stories / Re: Pokemon Gray - Chpt 29 - T...
Last post by tenebrae - Oct 12, 2020, 06:12 pm
Wow this is a big one, I will read it later, and catch up on the past few chapters too (and hopefully not forget)
Stories / Pokemon Gray - Chpt 29 - The R...
Last post by synderfin - Oct 12, 2020, 05:45 am
Chapter 29

"Run!" Yob cried, accompanied by Gray's squeal, as the two ran from a pair of Ghastly chasing them down a dark corridor. Our heroes decided to explore the haunted Cinnabar Mansion while they were still on the island, but they had disturbed one too many ghost-type Pokemon and were on the run; except Tene. Unlike Gray, she understood the art of subtlety and was quietly exploring a study on the top floor of the building. While rummaging through a dusty pile of notes, she noticed records signed by Zombiedood.

"Why are there writings by Zombie here?" she murmured to herself.

The notes were faded and vague but seemed to talk about some sort of genetic experiment. What could it mean? The mythical Pokemon Mew was mentioned and something about a child.
Before Tene could read further, she heard the yelping of Gray in the distance and begrudgingly went to assist her helpless companions. The two were running around in circles as the Ghastly chuckled from above. Tene sent out her Gengar to frighten off the Ghastly, who did so with great success, using its tongue like a creepy, rotating parasol. Tene escorted her frozen companions out of the mansion and onto the banks of the island, where they recovered.

"Maybe you have a talent for frightening people and Pokemon Tene," Gray spoke, "Could be a good way to make up for your battling limits."

"My battling limits?" Tene questioned, annoyed.

"Yeah, don't get me wrong, your efficiency is pretty alright but, like, you gotta give the crowd something more than that. That's why I take longer to win; gotta put on a show so the people don't get bored."

"So, when you lose, is that just to entertain the crowd too? Your failure is amusing so it must be working."

Before Yob could interject and sooth everyone with his pacifying diplomacy, a trainer riding a Pidgeot did that for him.

"Hello! Are you Gray, Yob and Tene?" the person asked, accompanied by a flock of bird Pokemon, some mounted with other trainers.

"Who's asking?" Gray responded, "It's nice to have fans but I can't do autographs right now. Unless you have money..."

The mysterious trainer interjected, "My name is B_rad. I'm a member of The Resistance. I've been sent by Ta to get your help; he says you put up quite the fight in Saffron."

"What help could Ta need from us?" questioned Yob.

"It's sensitive information but... We believe Team Rocket may be about to perform another major offensive. We don't know the target yet though... But if you would be willing, come with me to our secret base and we can discuss it further."

Gray leaped at the idea of visiting The Resistance's secret base and agreed on behalf of the trio, who were all keen to help defeat Team Rocket once more. They had all grown attached to their Pokemon and the idea of a crime organisation that would steal Pokemon from their trainers repulsed them. That or Gray just wanted to blindly fight 'bad guys' for the cool points.
Our heroes mounted themselves on the backs of some of the bird Pokemon and accompanied the Resistance members back to their base. The flight was long and took them back north over Pallet Town, making Yob emotional to see where he'd begun. Gray would have been too, but he kept almost falling off his Fearow mount, throughout the whole journey. The group continued further north, then off west into the wilderness. They landed in what seemed like thick forest but B_rad escorted the group to a hidden trapdoor, which they all made their way down.
Below was a vast expanse of colourful rooms, filled with trainers and Pokemon. Beyond the main atrium, there were rooms dedicated to intel, areas designed for battle training and long corridors leading to endless rooms of who-knows-what. The base was truly epic, and the trio were flawed at how impressive this facility was. As B_rad escorted them through, they were greeted by multiple trainers, accompanied by their strong Pokemon partners.
As they continued, they were met by Ta, who's champion presence radiated esteem.

"If it isn't the heroes of Saffron City. I'm glad you could join us."

"B_rad said Team Rocket was planning an attack," Tene responded.

"Yes... but we still don't know where. We're gearing up regardless so we can pounce the moment intel knows where they are. In the meantime, feel free to explore the facilities. If we can trust you with the location of our base, you're free to explore as you like."

The trio thanked Ta, well Gray tried but was a little star-struck and mostly just drooled on their coloured carpet, before they went off to adventure around the base. Tene checked out the battle facilities and joined in to try her best against the Resistance's finest and put some of the cockier members in their place. It was refreshingly challenging, even compared to the gym leaders she had faced previously.
Gray met with a bunch of the veteran members of the Resistance and tried to act cool so they'd respect him (and maybe give him a job). Bginch4949 and jord7531 were their names and while they didn't offer him membership, upon seeing his shown-off team, they did lead him into their item storage to give him one of their curated technical machines; dark pulse, which he taught to his Blastoise. They figured Gray could use all the help he could get in the fights to come.

Yob decided to accompany Ta and B_rad to an odd facility at the end of one of the halls. The room opened up into a large, silver monastery.

"This is the Moon Temple," B_rad informed, "While Ta isn't much the fool for superstition, he does respect the council of the moon priest VIROS."

 Ta sat down in-front of Viros and asked him if he had any advice on their course of action. Viros sat cross-legged, eyes closed. He thought for a moment, then responded, "The Moooooooon, yes the Moooooooon speaks to me! Wise is the Mooooon! Speak to me fair Mooooon. What do you say with your moooonish wisdom??"

Viros began to wave his arms around manically in an odd display.

"He respects him?" Yob whispered to B_rad.

"Yeah, I don't know..."

"Moon, moon, moon." Viros chanted in the background.

Some miles away from the base, a Resistance scout sat in a treetop with their Pidgeotto by their side. The trainer fed his Pokemon some seeds, to their great joy. The bird Pokemon started chirping with delight.
"Ha-ha. You enjoy that don't you?" the trainer mused before giving Pidgeotto a scratch under its chin, "Say 'Thank you CKDavid'." The Pidgeotto cawed loudly with joy.
"Close enough. Ha-ah."

The two were interrupted when a large shadow began to loom over them. They both quickly looked up and were stunned at the sight before them.

"We have to report this back to base," CK spoke urgently, but before he could mount Pidgeotto, the two were struck with a harsh electric shock and passed out.

"You know, I've been second-guessing the purpose of our organisation. So much private funding. Should it not just go to the police? Are we really leaving a positive mark on the world? I don't know..." Ta mused to himself and the priest.

"MooooOOOooonn. Moon, moon." Viros chanted.

Yob still looked on confused and was about to leave and find his friends before the priest began pointing at him.


"Uh, I'm not the Moon..."

Viros shook his head then got up and retrieved a special item from the back of the monastery. He handed Yob a charcoal black stone.


"I don't understand."

"It's a Moon stone," Ta spoke, getting up from his seat, cheering up a bit from his contemplations, "It can be used to evolve certain Pokemon."

"Clefairy..." Yob murmured.

"Yeah, that'll do it," Viros responded nonchalantly.

Before Yob could comment on Viros' random use of actual words, Ta continued, "At least it seems you've gotten something useful out of this. I fear I'm still confused on what to do."

"Yes, well, we need to come up with something soon," B_rad interjected, "The team is getting restless. If only we knew Team Rocket's target."

Before anyone could add anything, a loud boom could be heard from above. Then another, then another, before a part of the roof caved in. The trainers ran over to the hole to look up, seeing far above them the Team Rocket Persian zeppelin, dropping electrode bombs on the base.

"MoooOOOooon!" Viros called.

"Damn! They've found us!" B_rad exclaimed, "They must have spies..."

Ta interjected with commands. He ordered all members to get to battle stations. The Resistance members scrambled to get ready but it was too late. The roof began to cave in all around them from the explosions. Resistance from below was futile.
With a heavy heart, Ta ordered everyone to take cover in the base's bunker. Everyone ran to take shelter, with helpful trainers leading the Trio to where they needed to go, deeper underground. There they hid out the barrage before it passed and they could return to above. However, all that was left of their base was a series of craters, with waterfalls flowing into them and the open sky. The trainers looked on with sadness at their once proud base, as the dreadful zeppelin flew back east.

"We... we were their next target... We need to go after them!" B_rad exclaimed with yells of agreement from the other trainers.

"My base is gone..." Ta murmured, "Everything I built. The Resistance... It's gone."

"It's not gone. We're still here. The trainers," B_rad replied, "And we need to fight back. Maybe our time is up but at least we can give it one last fight."

Ta paused for a moment then nodded. "All hands, prepare for pursuit!"

Trainers scrabbled for supplies and mounts, fury in their hearts. The Trio joined them in getting ready. Yob, preparing for the fight to come, used his new moon stone on his Clefairy, finally evolving it into Clefable.
It was all-or-nothing for the Resistance. Their base was gone but not their spirits. They would face Team Rocket for one last time and the Trio were ready to give all they had to help defeat them once and for all.
Server Talk / Re: The Pokemon Server: A Hist...
Last post by synderfin - Jul 28, 2020, 06:28 am
As today is my 9 year anniversary, I'm continuing this project by posting my list of every random server memory I can recall. For a lot of the big memories I've already written full stories about which you can find above. This is just a list of every random event that happened in-between, in a rough timeline order. I shall update it regularly.

Random server memories:
-Chasing Rigby, as he flew around Kanto, as part of race event. Almost caught him in the safari zone gate.
-Rivalry with Liquidfired as pewter police most wanted. Aka, we died a lot to him and he was annoyed at our complaining.
-The requirement to become a gym leader starting as request, then 2 badges, then 3. Mcmmo power level requirement too.
-Talk with 1ce about my Pokemon personality banner results in 2011. He questioned me why I thought he cared about hearing my result so I guilt-tripped him. "Just that you listen." "Oh."
-For my birthday, Snowbro organised a party for me where he built a party room with arrow dispensors so we could kill and rob the guests. It obviously didn't work as intended.
-Mio's mansion house with giant Vaporeon model overhead.
-Great 1cec0ld rage of Goldenrod. He was raging about something and setting off lightning bolts of the city.
-Me creating custom skins for admins 1ce and Para (they didn't use :/). Were themed on elemental gods.
-Battling Zombiedood with his sword that kicked you, from the server, on impact.
-Houses used to have a pricing of typically 3k or 5k with some special exceptions, based on size. Later curves were introduced by 1ce.
-Donators having their own build world as a perk. A decent amount of lava griefing occurred.
-Multiple shrines built to Ali after he left the server. One was floating in the sky. Ali also had a farewell board in Pallet.
-People shooting others from wild safe zone before that was fixed. I remember people defending from a stone room.
-first time on TeamSpeak-1ce with creepy voice. Later with Tactic- I was so awkward that I was doing taps to see if he could hear me before he requested me to talk. Later with Ta and Hix discussing how their VIPs got turned to water, by Rigby, as punishment for flooding Pewter PD. Later phone and door rings during chat that I kept getting that were throwing everyone off.
-Vitto's secret rooms. Hidden chambers around the map.
-Liquid's YouTube channel. Being part of the filming for a new video.
-Tactic changing his nickname to 'Tn' to troll people into thinking Tn had been demoted. Later nickname command with restrictions on similarity and letter amount.
-Getting kicked, by 1ce, for asking for a starter (part of Ali's achievement list). 1ce: "What's next?" Me: "Get in bed with an admin."
-Mob arena plugin. Pokemon Tower group atop shrine. Ruins of alph.
-Pokemon6949 whining on TeamSpeak.
-1ce's karaoke. "I'm glad you came. I'm glad you came... all over me."
-Para and Oddy singing "I'm a barby girl" on TeamSpeak.
-Listening to admin meeting recordings. Admin tag debacle - debate about how players couldn't identify admins due to having random joke tags. Para: "Oddy is [Batman], can I be Robin??"
-Marriage plugin. Could have free TP to your 'spouse'. My proposal to Paradox was denied as his heart belonged to another. That big church.
-Drug plugin. Sugar cane gave speed.
-Failing to beat Tn at Saffron gym which had the glass, ice and dark mazes. Trying to beat GalSrKn to have enough badges to become new co and protect course from a rebuild.
-Tactic trying to purposely lose a gym leader tournament so I could get the position but forgetting and killing me.
-Tournament in underground arena. Snowbro vs Bj jump charges at each other in epic battle.
-Hanging out at the dock in Castelia City when my internet was out of credit so I couldn't move much.
-Ali changing the forum theme to have a Pokemon style.
-RPing as Simon from Yogs Tekkit in gold pants and flying around whacking people with a stick in early Kanto 3.
-Chatting on TeamSpeak with some people for the first time. -Prod about my accent- "exactly how I thought you'd sound."
-Ali's YouTube channel. "Guys, I'm a lizard."
-Trial mods. Cassie being crazy. Mario getting fired for breaking a sign in someone's house. LilWaffles and I chatting about him asking BJ if he can be his trial mod in PM and BJ pointing out he can read our chat.
-The pets of my VIP room. Chooki, MilkB*tch, Lt. Groves the wolf. The swarms of chickens. Chooki's funeral, chanting 'long live the cow'.
-VSing 1ce's gym. Long battle. Up vines. He said it was the most intense battle he's ever had.
-Tactic letting me be his co-leader at Fuchsia gym after Vithrus and Ichi both gave up their positions. Later my coleaders being Z4, Waffles, Muffins, Snowbro, Camm.
-XY tourneys in early meta. I ran the 4th tourney with special rules about not being able to use mons between battles if they faint.
-Hoenn tree project. Spruce Wayne, Barkfin, Treemac, Cammanduhtree, TreeJunk, Treenut.
-Rare forum thread - only appeared at super rare intervals. I saw it but couldn't post on it before it disappeared again.
-1ce's safari server where you could play as each type. 2011 map backup there.
-Ta letting me kill him publicly to restore my prestige in PvP after people said I was easy to beat.
-Tene showing me her cave ladders that didn't need a block behind them. Me then accidentally breaking one, causing the whole thing to fall apart, resulting in her kicking me. "OMG, I'm so sorry."
-Talk with Prod-him saying he has soundtrack of Hoenn (route?) music for when he builds. I said that can't be very long. He took it to mean that I was saying he doesn't build much rather than there being few songs. Taken as joke.
-Sponge server that 1ce, Tene and I found. Whole map was sponges and the owner was super religious, making everyone TP to church each MC day.
-Skrelp username debacle. I wanted the name for a new alt account, but I deliberated a few days and it was taken. I haven't got an alt since.
-Playing on Tene's server. Spawn on ocean island. Extreme world alteration. Group base. I had secret cave and sugar cane farm and was building Shark Towers on a hill, out of stone bricks that I had to make in group furnaces. Tene didn't notice until I pointed it out, they looked up and said lol. Trying to get all achievements in the new update.
-Tene reading my secret joke messages via failed commands.
-Someone (MasterAss?) doing pokemon giveaways as raffles. First was a shiny Garchomp then a Mega Salamence. I lost both.
-Running up and down the rocks on Route 21.
-Tournaments in sky arena. Team CyndaLava (me + Blaze (we lost :u)). Champion battle: Tactic vs Hobo.
-Vanished 1ce breaking blocks as I placed them in Lilycove dept.
-Y=30 limit for building interiors as we were going to have a communal underground below. As a result, Lilycove dept. interior was placed inside Mt. Pyre to be high enough. Idea was later scrapped.
-Camm and I's conversation with signs in Lilycove.
-Greek gods talk: I told 1ce I had a paper model of some Greek gods (Hermes + Polyphemus). 1ce then controlled my chat to then say, "and that's why I've never had a girlfriend," which made Tene spit out the water they were drinking. They then asked if I had a Zeus model which I said no but that I did have a rubber ducky of him.
-Terra-cotta cheese (we typod ricotta cheese like that because of all the time spent building with terracotta. Became a running joke after we realised.)
-Tene and I levitating up to 1 million y.
-Discord bot chat. Early days of the Discord where we spammed all the new bots for a few hours.
-1ce trying to give me a HelloFresh voucher but it not working due to regional differences.
-Listening to xmas music when building PWT (not near xmas).
-Exploring VoxelHoenn backup with Tene.
-Exploring Cobalt and Amethyst with Tene.
-Personality quizzes with Anon and Tene.
-Discord music on Halloween.
-"Hallo. BB." Spam that bot accounts posted on the server over 2018-19.
-Taglocke. A bunch of us (1ce, Tene, Anon, Jolteo and I) had an ongoing tag nuzlocke challenge of LGFR, which we failed thrice.
-All the times we've chatted over Discord voice chat. E.g. Kono, 1ce and I discussing new server changes when Kono had recently rejoined. I was building Snowbelle at the time.
-1ce's survival servers.
Suggestions / Re: ZanZero suggestion 5: Chan...
Last post by Dj - Mar 20, 2020, 06:09 pm
This should be done, and the gymleader tag should be gotten rid of. Keep the elite tags and also possibly add a kit to the rank. Each challenge of the E4 takes you going through all 8 badges of a region, and you can only hold 1 elite/champion spot per region, also, non canon idea, once you beat a champion of a region, you get a trophy of honor or something, then once you have that from all regions, you go down into ultra hall of fame or something. To replace the gymleader stats/commands we could put the rewards for continued play into ranks based on online time, ingame economy buy ups, vote token buy ups, etc. Plenty of servers are utilizing ranks and in game bonuses you can buy from vote coins. Make each vote give more coins, but raise the cost of vote rewards for the good stuff and offer smaller stuff like in game resources/cash etc with vote coins
Suggestions / Re: ZanZero suggestion 6: Smal...
Last post by Dj - Mar 20, 2020, 06:05 pm
Also give different basic rank stuffs for online time, like basic trainer names. First log on = New Trainer, 24 hours of total play time = Trainer, 1 week of total play time = Trainer+, 1 month of total play time = C. Trainer. etc etc.

With the afk kicker they'll have to actually be invested unless you're like a certain somebody on the server and use an afk machine.
Suggestions / Re: ZanZero suggestion 4: Remo...
Last post by Dj - Mar 20, 2020, 06:00 pm
I say we do this, make the different caves have mobs for sure. Also put some respawning melons/pumpkins etc into the different forests. Keep the two maps completely seperate. A challenge to mining should be mobs. But as it is they spawn too heavily for mining in any of the caves to be successful. Also make certain ores only spawn in certain caves, with increasing difficulty and sparsity based on the mineral.
Suggestions / Re: ZanZero suggestion 4: Remo...
Last post by r1579 - Mar 19, 2020, 09:33 pm
Quote from: Zanzero on Mar 11, 2020, 01:51 pmI think the nether could potentially stay on the main map, as it isn't directly tied to the acquisition of diamonds or other goods used in basic progression.

It can be. Diamonds and other materials can be found within nether fortress chests. 19% per chest which isn't a bad rate to get them. I would rather have the nether as a second, more risky choice if we were to include it as a zone for the safari.

Quote from: Zanzero on Mar 11, 2020, 01:51 pmWild safari could be a lot of fun, in my opinion. Or at least gating entry behind some sort of in-game currency or time limit so players cant become too reliant on using it as their de facto form of progression.

Use the daily vote tokens for the safari zone. you can get up to 3 per day so we can choose do just dump all 3 to go until you drop/leave, or go like as an example -> (1 token = 5 minute run, 2 tokens = 8 minute run, 3 tokens = 10 minute run)

Quote from: tenebrae on Mar 18, 2020, 07:47 pmI think the activity in each should be different too for more variety. Scavenger hunts, waves of mobs, pvp, puzzles, I think this is something that could be a good game changer, if done well.

Could we just implement some of this into the actual battle frontier so it can have some use as well? You'd be able to win a currency like BP for doing well and use said BP to buy stuff like tm's? maybe berries?  The only thing is we'd have to charge a good bit of in game money per attempt unless we gate them vote tokens, but i don't want everything to be locked behind them either.
Suggestions / Re: ZanZero suggestion 3: Magi...
Last post by tenebrae - Mar 18, 2020, 07:51 pm
Quote from: Zanzero on Mar 11, 2020, 02:08 pmLuckily magicspells has a lot of that baked in with options to use items, exp lvls, cooldowns, or "mana" for a casting cost.

I don't know if I agree with having moves be that hard to charge up and use. I think they should become a reliable part of every players toolkit for both PvP and PvE. I think setting cooldowns up so some moves are out of commission for 10+ minutes would be fine if we REALLY want to stop players from spamming it or using it too often.

I think a good idea for a lot of the spells would be having them act as sort of "cantrips" from D&D, where they are weak but reliable parts of a player's kit. I'm thinking like Bug Bite, where it would do 2 damage (1 heart) and heal 2 hunger, but had a 6-second cooldown, meaning you can use it often but not constantly. Or String Shot, which would inflict a target player with Slowness1 for 6 seconds on a 15-second cooldown, and have a cost of 5 string per use. I'd be more than willing to throw together another sheet of 4-6 moves of each type and how I would personally approach designing them if you guys would like.

I recently did one for my own server, converting D&D spells and classes using MagicSpells and although we haven't been able to put it into practice yet, it's looking pretty good at a surface level.

I never thought of item sacrifice to use spells. It just reminded me of Runecraft when we had it, where you would use items for a desired effect. If you wouldn't mind putting together a sheet with some moves, it would be much appreciated.
Suggestions / Re: ZanZero suggestion 4: Remo...
Last post by tenebrae - Mar 18, 2020, 07:47 pm
Quote from: Zanzero on Mar 11, 2020, 01:51 pmI think the nether could potentially stay on the main map, as it isn't directly tied to the acquisition of diamonds or other goods used in basic progression. I would prefer it is put as a feature of the wild and is left unused for the main map, just for the sake of consistency, although I will admit that is purely a personal preference.

Wild safari could be a lot of fun, in my opinion. Or at least gating entry behind some sort of in-game currency or time limit so players cant become too reliant on using it as their de facto form of progression.

I would imagine resetting inventories would be a smart idea, although I know a lot of people may have an issue with that.

Except with 1.16, nether materials will be part of basic progression with the introduction of netherite.

Wild safari idea: there could be multiple tiers, like safari to gather plant type materials, battle frontier to gather rarer materials more geared for combat, and other dungeon areas to collect other blocks and items. This won't limit players to just one area to collect stuff, and will spread out what can be found in certain places. Would accessing these areas require a fee? More money spent = more time spent? More money spent = better chance to get rare items? I think the activity in each should be different too for more variety. Scavenger hunts, waves of mobs, pvp, puzzles, I think this is something that could be a good game changer, if done well.
Suggestions / Re: ZanZero suggestion 1: In-M...
Last post by tenebrae - Mar 18, 2020, 07:42 pm
Quote from: Zanzero on Mar 11, 2020, 01:36 pmAs for the market/wild, I think that you hit the problem I have with it on the head. I seriously think having the wild be something that impacts the progression/acquisition of goods on the main map is a serious problem for the longevity of the server. Because at that point why not just play on an SMP server? So fixing the market and making it either a competitive alternative to the wild or self-sufficient enough to be able to make the wild optional is the right way to go, in my honest opinion.

I've always considered the server to be SMP at it's core. Then add in the extras like custom map, skill level plugin, economy plugin, and a different type of progression to vanilla gameplay (gyms and elite 4)

I have no idea how to fix the market to be fair, while also adjusting for money that is constantly being added (mob bounties)
I think wild removal may be the only way to curb that, but the biggest issue is balance.
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