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Feather Fight for Champion

Started by synderfin, Jul 01, 2019, 04:11 am

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Jul 01, 2019, 04:11 am Last Edit: Jul 01, 2019, 04:29 am by synderfin
On the 3rd of June, 2019, we had the longest battle in the history of the Server. At the time, the New Map was yet to have a champion and multiple users raced to collect all eight gym badges to gain the title. GalSrKn led this pursuit and only required one last badge to reach the prestigious rank. However, this was the Boulder Badge from Rockittt, who had recently implemented a new set of rules to Pewter Gym. The rules stated that the combatants could only fight with a feather but were allowed to eat golden carrots for food and high saturation. This combination made for a tedious experience where the fighters would heal much faster than they'd be hurt and the battle would essentially just come down to who ran out of golden carrots first. Both of these users came prepared with multiple stacks, resulting in a battle that almost reached 2 hours in duration. Whilst spectating this ordeal, a few of us decided to record part of the battle for record.
Please enjoy a 36 minute segment from the middle of the battle:

This video misses the end of the fight. Spoiler: despite possessing less carrots, Rockittt was able to win due to a lag glitch on Gal's end. As of posting this, there is still no champion and Rockittt retains his 100% gym success rate. Regardless, the video is still fun to watch in its ridiculousness and for documenting our dissent into madness, spectating in chat.
Formerly known as sharkfin1997/cynderfin
Only user who knows what 'ltns' means :/
Owner of SharkCo.
Sheriff of the Pewter Police
All regions builder
Fuchsia City Gym Leader
Official MC forum watcher
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Rip your upload credit. I'll need to make an advancement for killing someone with a feather.


Oh yeah, here's the final 17 minutes of that laggy fight. Very enjoyable to watch, yet very glad it will never happen again...
