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My 10 Year Anniversary!

Started by synderfin, Jul 27, 2021, 11:06 pm

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Jul 27, 2021, 11:06 pm Last Edit: Sep 15, 2021, 09:36 am by synderfin
So today is my 10-year anniversary on the Server. Dang. Where's my long service leave at? It's crazy to think I've been a part of this community for that long and it is here that I have truly met some of my most treasured friends. As thanks for all the joy you've all brought me, I thought I'd say a few words about what some of you mean to me.


I've always looked up to you. You haven't just been a friend but also a mentor and role-model for me over the years. In many ways, you are like the older brother I never had. You're a funny, smart, and inclusive person, who is always fun to spend time with. You also have a big heart. Don't give up on it, someone will come to appreciate it as we have.
What you have achieved here is meaningful. You have kept this community alive for all this time. I wouldn't have all these memories over the last 10 years without you, I wouldn't have made all these friends without you. You have built a community that has provided so many people with happiness. We all owe you so much. No matter what some might say, whether they be family, society or yourself, to me and to us all you are a leader and a success. That is how I see you.


Hello old friend. ;) Where to start here? I have always regarded you one of my best friends in the world. I can't count a day over the last few years I haven't communicated with you in some form, even if it's just us doing our discord 'dailies. Sometimes, when I've been in a sad or just glum mood, it's been such a support to just start a chat with you over discord or the Server. Above maybe anyone I know, I've always felt most comfortable with being open with you about my interests, feelings, and passions, without fear of judgement. To quote our boy Fraser Edwards' 'Among the Stars' - "You were the only one that could see the real me." Many of my current interests or music tastes have been formed from our chats. You are such a funny, creative, and interesting person, who always has something incredibly unique and fascinating going on in your mind each time I talk with you. I know back in the day people used to question your irl identity. I never cared then and still don't. You are my friend and that's all that matters. Keep being the unique and passionate person you are.


You're awesome man! You're one of the most fun guys to hang out with on the Server and to chat with. I love your jolly and fun-loving attitude - it makes any day brighter. You provide such a unique perspective to everything as well. I am a big lover of political chats and debates and it's great to converse with you about it and even challenge my beliefs sometimes. One of my favourite memories with you was when we watched the 2016 presidential debates together live and just laughed along at the wildness. On top of this, you're a genuine and caring person, who will go to any limit to support those you care about. Being a volunteer firefighter is one of the most heroic jobs anyone can have, and I've seen you take that into your personal life. Keep being the best, friend!


You will always be ranked among my best friends on the Server over the years. You're a fun and enigmatic guy to be around. You're also super cool. I've often felt myself trying to act cool around you to live up to it. :p
I have fond memories building and hanging out with you over the years. Over all the time we spent building in Hoenn and the other regions together, I really came to appreciate you as a friend, with your humour and self-willed personality. You're also an insane builder who is able to bring such creativity to what you build. No one else can pack so much detail into what are often really tight restraints. Your skills are unmatched. But what matters most is how much of a gripping, energetic and interesting person you are. Peace be with you my fellow Fuchsia Leader and Builder.


I've always really respected your level-headedness and reasonability. I've also appreciated the care you've given to the future of the Server and the community. Don't think your efforts have gone unnoticed. I've often thought you'd be one of the best choices for moderator, as someone that truly cares. You're also a fun guy to be around and to chat with. I know you've said before that you feel yourself to be often unlucky, well I hope at least one thing you find to have been fortunate was being a part of this community and our friend, because you will always be that.


Row Row Fight the Power old friend! You're one of the most energetic and friendly people I know. I've always tried to live up to your heart and friendship. Our old adventures on the Server are some of my fondest memories. We really got up to some crazy shenanigans as a duo. There's something about you that fills me with energy and drive to be better. I feel you always bring the best out of me. I remember one time a player tried to report you for accidentally getting in the way of our gym battle (despite winning anyway ;v) and I was unwilling to give them their badge unless they promised not to report. I knew an admin could have been vanished online at that moment and banned me or destroyed my overhyped dream to be a moderator, but I didn't care. All that mattered was protecting my friend, who would do the same for me. You were able to inspire that in me, to not care about my selfish goals for once. You are truly a selflessly giving person and a friend I would fight alongside until the end of time.
P.S. SharkCo. is still superior to HoboCo.


Dan, I've always found you to be a person with such interesting and unique creativity and ideas. You're always able to add something funny or interesting to your creations and often times they go to hilariously insane levels. You also add a lot of energy and fun to any time you're online and are great to hang out and go on adventures with. You will always be a treasured friend and member of the community.


Another one of the oldies. It has been a privilege to have known you for as long as I have and to have grown up in the community beside you. You're a really funny and friendly person to be around and one of the most reliable people across the Server's history. I appreciate the respect you've always shown me over the years and your propensity to always know what the right thing to do is. Thank you for everything, friend.


I've always found you to be a really mature and level-headed person that can be counted on to be reasonable and fair. I've even sometimes been jealous of your maturity and calmness in handling situations. You were the mediator and moderator-figure I always wanted to be. As such, you've often been someone I've viewed as a role-model. Even if you don't feel it internally, you always gave off a calming and guiding presence to the rest of us. You're also an interesting and nice person and it's always great when you pop back into the community.


You're one of the funniest and most interesting people I know. I can't count the number of times you've made me laugh hysterically. I've also always valued the support and appreciation you've given me over the years. I'm sad I don't get to see you around as much anymore, but I will always value you as a dear friend.


While I haven't known you that long, you are already held amongst my closest friends on the Server. I'm not sure I've ever met someone with your drive, passion, and vision. You are such a creative person, who has so many wild and intriguing ideas. Thank you so much for the energy and care you've given us over the last year. You've really helped to revive our passion and keep the Server alive. Welcome to the family.

There are so many others I wanted to write about such as Tactic, Sweaty, Ali, Bes, War, Gavi, Doom, LilWaffles, Zek, Saha, Kj, Jeffro, Pichu and many more. Everyone who has been a member of the Server over the years has touched my life in a meaningful way and I thank you all for that. I will treasure the friends I've made on here for the rest of my life. I love you all.

Formerly known as sharkfin1997/cynderfin
Only user who knows what 'ltns' means :/
Owner of SharkCo.
Sheriff of the Pewter Police
All regions builder
Fuchsia City Gym Leader
Official MC forum watcher
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So much sap this post is a tree now :p