Jul 26, 2024, 08:02 pm


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Started by synderfin, Jul 25, 2019, 02:36 am

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This is the official away thread for the Server.

If you have a rank above Trainer/Donator that has a time-out period, this is the place to announce your absence to avoid demotion.
Just leave your IGN and the reason why you're away.
Formerly known as sharkfin1997/cynderfin
Only user who knows what 'ltns' means :/
Owner of SharkCo.
Sheriff of the Pewter Police
All regions builder
Fuchsia City Gym Leader
Official MC forum watcher
Favourite server quotes:
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Showdown Playlist: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11VhccY0GsKyHRUFT8LyRGKMmSIidbOrzvkCa_TpgBUo


Ohai there. Yeah so my laptop recharger is dun borked. I won't be able to log on until I order a new one.
DW, I'll still be around on Discord to meet my daily social interactions quota.
Formerly known as sharkfin1997/cynderfin
Only user who knows what 'ltns' means :/
Owner of SharkCo.
Sheriff of the Pewter Police
All regions builder
Fuchsia City Gym Leader
Official MC forum watcher
Favourite server quotes:
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Showdown Playlist: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11VhccY0GsKyHRUFT8LyRGKMmSIidbOrzvkCa_TpgBUo


For some reason this thread didn't show up in my unread