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ZanZero suggestion 4: Remove or lower Wild exposure

Started by 1cec0ld, Mar 06, 2020, 01:18 pm

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Approve of the change?

I'll comment Below.


Quote from: ZanZeroNow it's time to talk about the Wild.

I think the wild impacts the actual Pokemon side of the server negatively. Not to the point that it should be abandoned or deleted outright, but definitely to the point where it needs a tweak. Currently it is tied too closely to progression, forcing players to leave the map you guys have spent the better part of a decade on to go play basic survival. To combat this I think it should be migrated to its own multiverse world and given a separate inventory from the main pokemon world. This would keep it as an optional social feature and a way to level MCMMO skills outside of the main map, but keep it from also diluting the market on the main map and hogging the spotlight. It was one of the few big disappointments for me since coming back. I just want to spend all of my time on the actual map but at the moment that isn't even possible and if I did I would be at a massive disadvantage compared to a player who spends 90% of their time in the wild and off of the map. Just seems like a backwards incentive structure and I'd prefer we push players to play pokemon not minecraft, you feel? Although I do understand the appeal of having a creative outlet in any server, which is why I would never champion to remove it outright.
(It would also allow us to turn off natural mob spawning on the main map so it isn't a constant mosh pit of death any time you walk into a cave.)
To balance out losing access to normal mining, we could implement EternalOre veins in some of the dungeons and caves that respawn after a set amount of hours. I know this is a HUGE change from the way things have been done on here since forever, but I truly believe it would help the main world feel more immersive and complete. (It also would give us complete control over player progression and their experience on the map.)

Multiverse-Inventories:( https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/multiverse-inventories)
EternalOre: ( https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/eternal-ore-respawnable-ores.68180/)


I agree with this. The wild is overpowered and has lead to breaking the server's economy. One of the ideas i keep mulling over in my head is to make it the base for a safari zone event. You pay vote tokens to get access to the wild and explore. It would start you with no gear somewhere at random and you would go for as long as you could before you /spawn, die, or log out. I'd maybe even consider keepInventory on here so you could grind without fear of death, but meh. It would pretty much be a once per day type deal that could help in netting materials without ruining map progression.

Mob spawning should be just be off on the main map until Mojang gets it's crap together. It would also advocate buying the attract potions for grinding. It can still be left on in my safari zone idea to promote a more dangerous environment. no risk, no reward
"There is a difference between like and trust. Just because I tolerate you nearby doesn't mean your friend. It just means I don't mind your company."

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AccidentalArson (AA)

Quote from: r1579 on Mar 06, 2020, 01:56 pmMob spawning should be just be off on the main map until Mojang gets it's crap together.
what's wrong with mob spawning right now?


Quote from: AccidentalArson (AA) on Mar 06, 2020, 10:35 pmwhat's wrong with mob spawning right now?

The rate is stupidly high and concentrated. If you go into pretty much any cave on the map you can see it for yourself. It's brutal. Even outside of towns at night is ridiculous. In littleroot town I was standing inside and nearly 15 zombies poured in and started attacking me while AFK.


Since the advent of 1.14 going live, mob spawns have quadrupled in pretty much any natural area they could spawn. This has lead to routes being infested in a sea of dense mobs that will slaughter you. It's pretty much impossible to traverse dark caves and most routes at night. If you want an accurate demonstration, hang around the route between Vermilion and Saffron at night.
"There is a difference between like and trust. Just because I tolerate you nearby doesn't mean your friend. It just means I don't mind your company."

- Legendary Pokemon Slayer
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Quote from: AccidentalArson (AA) on Mar 06, 2020, 10:35 pmwhat's wrong with mob spawning right now?

Haven't seen you around in a while, so you might not know, but just log into the server and wait for night, then take a quick walk around a route or two. Bring armor.


Mar 08, 2020, 12:36 am #6 Last Edit: Mar 08, 2020, 12:39 am by synderfin
So I'm semi-onboard with this idea. I think the new marketplace idea, and a few of the others, should be implemented before any decision is made on this.
I'm definitely against completely removing the Wild. One simply has to remember the hours they spent building bases or other builds with friends to recognise the value of the wild for offering community engagement and extended entertainment. Just look at Ram Ranch and the docks at /pvp today. Our own Pixelmon server and other gimmicky servers lacked the fun of vanilla, multiplayer MC that can complement our theme, provide added experience and an extra justification for why they're playing on here and not just the DS/Switch game.
As for keeping the Wild but having different inventories between the two worlds - it depends on if the marketplace is implemented sufficiently, ofc, but I don't mind this idea overall. However, I will say, if all these ideas are in place (eg marketplace), we may not even need to block the Wild off at that point, so I think we should sit on this idea.

As for R15's idea - A temporary safari zone thing could be cool, in some form, though I don't think it should be replacing the Wild, as that effectively removes the values I listed above and the resource gain can be handled in different ways (marketplace).
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If we limit wild access, does that extend to the nether? With 1.16 coming in the near future, new nether materials will be in high demand.

The wild safari is a cool idea.

With everything said, would it require current inventories being reset, as there's already instability in the market?


Quote from: tenebrae on Mar 10, 2020, 04:35 pmIf we limit wild access, does that extend to the nether? With 1.16 coming in the near future, new nether materials will be in high demand.

The wild safari is a cool idea.

With everything said, would it require current inventories being reset, as there's already instability in the market?

I think the nether could potentially stay on the main map, as it isn't directly tied to the acquisition of diamonds or other goods used in basic progression. I would prefer it is put as a feature of the wild and is left unused for the main map, just for the sake of consistency, although I will admit that is purely a personal preference.

Wild safari could be a lot of fun, in my opinion. Or at least gating entry behind some sort of in-game currency or time limit so players cant become too reliant on using it as their de facto form of progression.

I would imagine resetting inventories would be a smart idea, although I know a lot of people may have an issue with that.


Quote from: Zanzero on Mar 11, 2020, 01:51 pmI think the nether could potentially stay on the main map, as it isn't directly tied to the acquisition of diamonds or other goods used in basic progression. I would prefer it is put as a feature of the wild and is left unused for the main map, just for the sake of consistency, although I will admit that is purely a personal preference.

Wild safari could be a lot of fun, in my opinion. Or at least gating entry behind some sort of in-game currency or time limit so players cant become too reliant on using it as their de facto form of progression.

I would imagine resetting inventories would be a smart idea, although I know a lot of people may have an issue with that.

Except with 1.16, nether materials will be part of basic progression with the introduction of netherite.

Wild safari idea: there could be multiple tiers, like safari to gather plant type materials, battle frontier to gather rarer materials more geared for combat, and other dungeon areas to collect other blocks and items. This won't limit players to just one area to collect stuff, and will spread out what can be found in certain places. Would accessing these areas require a fee? More money spent = more time spent? More money spent = better chance to get rare items? I think the activity in each should be different too for more variety. Scavenger hunts, waves of mobs, pvp, puzzles, I think this is something that could be a good game changer, if done well.


Quote from: Zanzero on Mar 11, 2020, 01:51 pmI think the nether could potentially stay on the main map, as it isn't directly tied to the acquisition of diamonds or other goods used in basic progression.

It can be. Diamonds and other materials can be found within nether fortress chests. 19% per chest which isn't a bad rate to get them. I would rather have the nether as a second, more risky choice if we were to include it as a zone for the safari.

Quote from: Zanzero on Mar 11, 2020, 01:51 pmWild safari could be a lot of fun, in my opinion. Or at least gating entry behind some sort of in-game currency or time limit so players cant become too reliant on using it as their de facto form of progression.

Use the daily vote tokens for the safari zone. you can get up to 3 per day so we can choose do just dump all 3 to go until you drop/leave, or go like as an example -> (1 token = 5 minute run, 2 tokens = 8 minute run, 3 tokens = 10 minute run)

Quote from: tenebrae on Mar 18, 2020, 07:47 pmI think the activity in each should be different too for more variety. Scavenger hunts, waves of mobs, pvp, puzzles, I think this is something that could be a good game changer, if done well.

Could we just implement some of this into the actual battle frontier so it can have some use as well? You'd be able to win a currency like BP for doing well and use said BP to buy stuff like tm's? maybe berries?  The only thing is we'd have to charge a good bit of in game money per attempt unless we gate them vote tokens, but i don't want everything to be locked behind them either.
"There is a difference between like and trust. Just because I tolerate you nearby doesn't mean your friend. It just means I don't mind your company."

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I say we do this, make the different caves have mobs for sure. Also put some respawning melons/pumpkins etc into the different forests. Keep the two maps completely seperate. A challenge to mining should be mobs. But as it is they spawn too heavily for mining in any of the caves to be successful. Also make certain ores only spawn in certain caves, with increasing difficulty and sparsity based on the mineral.